S. N. Khatuntseva


Purpose. Тhe aim of this paper is to study the nature of teachers’ readiness to self-education as a component of self-improvement.

Methodology. This paper examines the current state of scientific and theoretical study of the problem of the future teacher’s readiness for self-education.

Results. The analysis of scientific and theoretical foundation of the problem of teacher’s readiness for self-education has been made. The essence of future teacher’s readiness for self-education as a component of self-improvement has been studied. It has been determined that readiness is a compound, dynamic formation of future teacher’s personality and it is the result of his training on the basis of theoretical knowledge about the nature, structure and content of self-education and practical skills and personal qualities. Motivational, cognitive, operational, active, personal, analytical and reflective components are the components of future teacher’s readiness for self-education as a part of self-improvement.

Practical implications. Higher еducation, lifelong learning.

Ключевые слова

readiness; self-education; self-improvement; components of readiness; personality; future teacher


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