Roman Anatolyevich Yaskevich, Olga Leonidovna Moskalenko


The purpose of the study. To study the frequency and structure of cardiovascular diseases of the Far North migrants within the period of readaptation to the new climatic conditions.

Materials and methods. 145 migrants with stages II–III of arterial hypertension (AH) coming from the Far North arrived in the southern regions of central Siberia for permanent residence. The survey included questionnaires, clinical, instrumental, and functional and laboratory research methods.

Results. After moving to central Siberia, the hypertensive crisis is more common in people who lived in the Far North for 30 years or more. An increase in the hypertensive crisis frequency was observed in men, rather than women, whereas the stroke incidence in female migrants gets higher, but remains unchanged in male migrants. An increase in the incidence of diseases that complicate the hypertension progression was detected in the migrants during the period following the migration. An increase in the incidence of angina attacks and strokes as well as a trend towards an increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction and heart failure after moving to central Siberia is caused by an increase in the level of neurotic disorders associated with social and economic factors.

Conclusion. The identified patterns should be taken into account in the construction of prevention and rehabilitation programs for the Far North migrants along with an obligatory assessment of the adaptive and readaptive capabilities of the organism. Both the follow-up plan and the list of the required measures should be made individually, while taking into account the identified cardiovascular diseases, concomitant pathology and risk factors. Should the migrant be diagnosed with any cardiovascular diseases, they need to consult a cardiologist with the purpose of correcting both medicated and medication-free therapy for the readaptation period.

Ключевые слова

cardiovascular system; arterial hypertension; Far North; readaptation

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