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Zatonskaya Е.V., Matyushin G.V., Gogolashvili N.G. Rasprostranennost’ i klinicheskoe znachenie narushenij ritma serdca [The prevalence and clinical significance of cardiac arrhythmias] // Racional’naya farmakoterapiya v kardiologii [Rational pharmacotherapy in cardiology]. 2017. T. 13. № 3. S. 403–408.
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Tuchkov A.A., Gogolashvili N.G., Yaskevich R.A. Ocenka dinamiki antitromboticheskoj terapii u pacientov s fibrillyaciej predserdij v techenie 2015–2017 gg. Po dannym registra kliniki nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta medicinskih problem severa g. Krasnoyarska [Evaluation of the dynamics of antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation during 2015–2017. According to the register of the clinic of the Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North of Krasnoyarsk] // Racional’naya farmakoterapiya v kardiologii [Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology]. 2019. T. 15. № 1. S. 43–48.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12731/2658-6649-2019-11-5-2-28-33
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(c) 2019 Nikolai Gamletovich Gogolashvili, Alexander Aleksandrovich Tuchkov, Roman Anatolyevich Yaskevich
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ISSN 2658-6649 (print)
ISSN 2658-6657 (online)