Lubov Demianovna Shamanskaya, Evgenii Ivanovich Butakov


The article presents test results of the preparation Artafidin that fights parasitic fauna of plants, animals and birds. Artafidin effectiveness against various kinds of aphids has been estimated 96.5-100% on horticultural crops, 97.4-98% on melons and 100% on vegetable crops. The preparation has proved to be highly selective towards the beneficial fauna. No resistance to Artafidin against Aphis pomi Deg. was found at its check studies at a long-term apple station.

Artafidin has shown 100% effectiveness against the ixodic ticks Dermacentor marginatus Sulzer at a concentration of 4% while performing treatment with spray material and at a concentration of 3% while using foam. High sensitivity to Artafidin in the menoponidae Menacanthus stramineus (Nitzsch, 1818), being parasites on chickens, has been found. Ovicide effect of the preparation against the parasite ensures a prolonged protective effect.

The use of Artafidin against various kinds of parasitic fauna removes a number of restrictions on the use of protection products, contributes to ecologically friendly agricultural production and cattle breeding as well as provides ecological security.

Ключевые слова

exophytes; plants; animals; chitosan preparation; effectiveness; aftereffect

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