Устойчивое развитие является ключевой концепцией нашего времени. Транспортная инфраструктура относится к системообразующим секторам экономики, связана со всеми ее элементами, от которых зависит устойчивое ее развитие. В статье рассматриваются влияния транспортной инфраструктуры на устойчивое развитие, показаны возникающие тенденции и проблемы.
Ключевые слова
Полный текст:
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Korrejja A.G., Vinter M.G., Puppala A.Ja. Obzor ustojchivyh podhodov v geotehnike transportnoj infrastruktury [Overview of sustainable approaches in the geotechnics of transport infrastructure]. Prozr. GEOTEK. 2016; 7, рр. 21–28.
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Jekonomicheskie obzory OJeSR [OECD Economic Reviews]. https://oecdru.org/zip/Overview_RUSSIARus_2013.pdf
Beljakova E.V., Ryzhaja A.A. Rol’ transportnoj infrastruktury v razvitii goroda [The role of transport infrastructure in the development of the city]. Reshetnevskie chtenija. 2017. №21-2.
Ni P., Kamija M., Din R. Set’ gorodov vdol’ Shelkovogo puti: Doklad o global’noj konkurentosposobnosti gorodov 2017 [Network of cities along the Silk Road: Global Cities Competitiveness Report 2017]. Springer; Singapur: 2017.
Stadnik M. E. Negativnoe vozdejstvie komponentov transportnoj sistemy na sostojanie okruzhajushhej sredy [The negative impact of the components of the transport system on the environment]. Nauchnyj dialog. 2013. №12 (24).
Berman N.D., Belov A.M. Obshhestvennyj transport i innovacii [Public Transport and Innovation]. International Journal of Advanced Studies. 2019. V. 9. № 2, рр. 7–13.
Berman N.D. K voprosu o gorodskoj mobil’nosti [On the issue of urban mobility]. International Journal of Advanced Studies. 2019. V. 9. № 1-2, рр. 32–37.
Berman A.Ju. Ustojchivoe razvitie [Sustainable development]. Dostizheniya vuzovskoy nauki 2019: sbornik statey XI Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-issledovatel’skogo konkursa [Achievements of university science 2019: a collection of articles of the XI International Research Competition]. 2019, рр. 104–106.
Zenkina E.V., Kutovoj V.M. Transportnaja sistema i ee vlijanie na ustojchivoe razvitie jekonomiki Rossii [The transport system and its impact on the sustainable development of the Russian economy]. Vestnik GUU. 2019. №2.
Berman A.Ju. Jekonomicheskoe znachenie transporta [The economic importance of transport]. Student research: sbornik statey VI Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-prakticheskogo konkursa [Student research: collection of articles of the VI International Scientific and Practical Competition]. 2019, рр. 71–74.
Berman A.Ju., Berman N.D. Jeffektivnost’ investicij v transportnuju infrastrukturu [Investment Infrastructure Investment Efficiency]. Russian Studies in Law and Politics. 2019. V. 3. № 1, рр. 4–8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12731/2227-930X-2020-2-7-14
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(c) 2020 Nina Demidovna Berman
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