Science and Innovation Center Publishing House

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Siberian Journal of Life Sciences and Agriculture

Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal

Siberian Journal of Life Sciences and Agriculture has been published since 2008.

Journal is a multi-field dedicated peer reviewed scientific journal designed to promote both fundamental and applied regional achievements in the field of medicine, chemistry, biology, agriculture and related sciences on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

For the purposes of publication, the editorial board of the journal selects reviews, analytical articles and original research papers as well as brief reports and professional reviews on most significant achievements in the field of medicine, chemistry, biology.

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Modern Studies of Social Issues

Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal

Modern Studies of Social Issues has been published since 2009.

Journal is a specialized academic peer-reviewed journal devoted to the topical problems of the life of the Russian society and presenting the results researches of scientists of the post-Soviet space and foreign researchers.

Both the full-scale discussion of problems and open access policy suggest that the journal is ready to publish not only original scientific articles in Russian and English on the results of fundamental and applied-theoretic research in the field of philology, history and philosophy, but also review papers made by leading specialists in the fields of knowledge related to the profile of the journal as well as professional reviews of new books and scientific research, materials of scientific events, discussions and round tables devoted to the issues covered by the journal.

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Russian Journal of Education and Psychology

Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal

Russian Journal of Education and Psychology is a specialized academic peer-reviewed journal devoted to the topical problems of the life of the Russian society and presenting the results researches of scientists of the post-Soviet space and foreign researchers.

Both the full-scale discussion of problems and open access policy suggest that the journal is ready to publish not only original scientific articles in Russian and English on the results of fundamental and applied-theoretic research in the field of psychology and pedagogy, but also review papers made by leading specialists in the fields of knowledge related to the profile of the journal as well as professional reviews of new books and scientific research, materials of scientific events, discussions and round tables devoted to the issues covered by the journal.

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Krasnoyarsk Science

Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal

Krasnoyarsk Science is a social and scientific-and-practical peer reviewed journal designed to promote both fundamental and applied regional achievements in the field of economics, management, foreign economic activity and international cooperation on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, and also reforming of inter-budgetary relations and improvement of public and municipal finance, modernization of the national banking system, development of the financial market, tax legislation, accounting and audit, financial management, as well as modern aspects of Economics and others.

The journal is published by the Science and Innovation Center Publishing House (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) since 2011 and administered by the EE "Higher School of Social Attitudes".

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International Journal of Advanced Studies

Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal

International Journal of Advanced Studies has an international and interdisciplinary nature. The journal focuses on publishing studies by Russian scientists concerning the issues of fundamental and applied research in problems of road transport, modern information technologies, engineering education, economics and management in transport and construction. We do not rigidly limit ourselves within the Russian scientific framework and publish papers based on a wide scope of comparative material. The journal works for becoming a platform for publishing new breakthrough research works, carried out using a comparative study of the materials obtained from all around the globe.

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Automation and Control in Technical Systems

Scientific reviewed journal

Scientific journal contains scientific and methodological works of students, young scientists, as well as employees of universities, educational institutions, representatives of companies operating in the field of automation and control systems on the basis of information and communication technologies in industry, construction, transportation, economy, education, and other areas.

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Russian Journal of Medicine and Public Health

In the World of Scientific Discoveries, Series A (Russian Journal of Medicine and Public Health) covers recent advances in the growing field of preventive medicine, as well as public health across age groups and settings.

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Russian Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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