O. O. Varlamov, L. E. Adamova, D. V. Eliseev, Yu. I. Mayboroda, P. D. Antonov, G. S. Sergushin, M. O. Chibirova


Целью нашего исследования является создание ИИ с помощью увеличения автоматизации человеческой деятельности в различных сферах жизни, таких как информационной безопасности, автоматической обработки данных (ADP) и управления данными (DC) систем, промышленных автоматическая система управления (МАКО). Наши последние достижения с помощью Mivar технологий в области математического моделирования понимания естественного языка, изображений и человеческой речи будет описано в этой статье. Мы должны были реализовать системный подход, разработать более сложные моделирования, накопления данных и логики обработки инструментов для решения задач ранее упомянутые. Наши результаты должны быть в состоянии увеличить вычислительную разведки, расширить сферы автоматизации человеческой деятельности и создать нового поколения ИИ на основе Mivar сетей.

Ключевые слова

Mivar; Mivar сети; искусственный интеллект (ИИ); естественно понимание языка; логический вывод с линейной вычислительной сложности; экспертные системы; активные базы данных

Полный текст:

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Varlamov O.O. Logical AI was created based on mivar technologies. MIVAR: active databases with linear logical reasoning > 3 million rules > meaning understanding + singularity of virtual reality. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Gmbh & Co. KG, 2012. -700 p. ISBN:978-3-8473-1953-5.

Varlamov O.O. System approach in model creation of computer security threats and its role in ensuring security of the most important computer systems // Izvestia of Taganrog Government Radio Engineering Institute. 2006. Т. 62. No 7. pp. 216-223.

Varlamov O.O., Amaryan M.pp., Adamova L.E. Mivar technologies in ensuring security of industrial automatic control system operators // Izvestia of Taganrog Government Radio Engineering Institute. 2003. Т. 33. No 4. pp. 174-175.

Varlamov O.O., Amaryan M.pp., Adamova L.E. Main features of personal data security ensuring in industrial automatic control system of regional mobile operator // Izvestia of Taganrog Government Radio Engineering Institute. 2003. Т. 33. No 4. pp. 238-239.

Varlamov O.O., Amaryan M.pp., Lysakovskij V.A., Adamova L.e. Local calculation correction and data processing for security ensuring // Izvestia of Taganrog Government Radio Engineering Institute. 2003. Т. 33. No 4. pp. 239-240.

Varlamov O.O. Review of 25 years of using mivar approach in intellectual systems development and AI creation. // Collection of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Radio Research And Development Institute (NIIR). 2011. No 1. pp. 34-44.

Varlamov O.O. Development of linear matrix method of determining the route of inference on adaptive network rules // Izvestia of institutes of higher education, Electronics. 2002. No 6. pp. 43-51.

Varlamov O.O. Theoretical basis of multidimensional informational evolutioning (mivar) space of data and production rules representation // IT, 2003. No 5. pp. 42-47.

Varlamov O.O. Informational threads parallel processing based on virtual threads databases // Izvestia of institutes of higher education, Electronics. 2003. No 5. pp. 82.

Varlamov O.O. Development of paralleling of streaming multiple accesses to databases in terms of avoiding mutual distortion of data. // IT, 2003. No 1. pp.20.

Varlamov O.O. System analysis and synthesis of data models and methods of information processing in the self-organizing complexes of online diagnostics. // IT, 2003. No 3. pp.299.

Varlamov O.O. System analysis and synthesis of data models and methods of information processing in the self-organizing complexes of online diagnostics. // M.: MARTIT, 2003. pp.307.

Varlamov O.O. Systems of processing of information and interaction between groups of mobile robots on the basis of mivar information space // AI. 2004. No 4. pp. 695.

Varlamov O.O. Creation of intellectual systems on the basis of interaction of mivar information space and service-oriented architecture // AI. 2005. No 3. pp.13.

Varlamov O.O. Evolutionary database. Mivar informational space. // Izvestia of the South Federal University. Technical science. 2007. T. 77. No 2. pp. 77-81.

Varlamov O.O. GRID and SAS IVK, SOA and mivar techologies interaction analysis // AI. 2005. No 4. pp.4.

Varlamov O.O. MIVAR technologies of the development of intelligent systems and the creation of the active multi-subject online MIVAR encyclopedia. // Izvestia of the Kabardino-Balkar scientific centre of the RAS. 2011. No 1. pp. 55-64.

Varlamov O.O. MIVAR technologies of the development of intelligent systems and the creation of the active multi-subject online MIVAR encyclopedia // Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP`2011): proceed. 11th Inter. Conf. -Minsk: BSUIR, 2011. рp. 326-329.

Maksimova A. Y., Varlamov O.O. Mivar expert system for pattern recognition on the basis of fuzzy classification and modeling of various subject areas with automatic extension of the context. // Izvestia of the South Federal University. Technical science. 2011. T.125. No 12. pp. 77-87.

Varlamov O.O. MIVAR: Transition from Productions to Bipartite Graphs MIVAR Nets and Practical Realization of Automated Constructor of Algorithms Handling More than Three Million Production Rules // ARXIV.ORG. 05.11.2011. [Reference] URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.1321. (31.01.2013).

Varlamov O.O. MIVAR: Transition from Productions to Bipartite Graphs MIVAR Nets and Practical Realization of Automated Constructor of Algorithms Handling More than Three Million Production Rules // AI. 2012. No 4. pp. 11-33.

Varlamov O.O. Practical realization of linear computational complexity of logical reasoning based on "IF-THEN" rules in mivar networks and handling more than three million production rules. // Automation and control in technical systems. 2013. No 1(3). ppp. 54-90.

Varlamov O.O., Chibirova M.O., Sergushin G.S., Eliseev D.V. Cloud-based implementation of the mivar universal tasks solver on the basis of active adaptive logic output with linear complexity regarding the rules of "If-Then-else" // Automation and control in technical systems. 2013. No 2(4). ppp.7-23.

Tonoyan S.A., Baldin A.V., Eliseev D. V. Method of upgrading the standard modules of the base configuration "1C: Enterprise 8" with minimal modifications // Science and education: electronic scientific and technical periodical. 2012. No 08. pp. 17.

Baldin A.V., Eliseev D.V., Aghayan K.G. Overview of how to build temporal systems based on relational database // Science and education: electronic scientific and technical edition. 2012. No 08. pp.20.

Baldin A.V., Eliseev D.V. Adaptation of temporal relational data model in the multidimensional space // Science and education: electronic scientific and technical edition. 2011. No 09. pp. 1.

Eliseev D.V., Baldin A.V. Algebra of multidimensional matrices for processing of the adapted data model // Science and education: electronic scientific and technical edition. 2011. No 07. pp.4.

Baldin A.V., Eliseev D.V. Flexible data model based on the multidimensional space // Science and education: electronic scientific and technical edition. 2010. No 10. pp. 1.

Eliseev D.V. Model of knowledge representation when creating adaptive information system // Science and education: electronic scientific and technical edition. 2010. No 03. pp. 2.

Varlamov O.O. Evolutionary knowledge and data base for adaptive synthesis of intelligent systems. Mivar information space. - M: Radio and communication, 2002. - 288 pp.

Varlamov O. O., Viktorova N.B. Applied mathematics: set and relations: a training manual. Moscow: MADI, 2012. 64 p.

Varlamov O. O. Applied mathematics: the epistemological foundations of mivar technologies of creation of systems of artificial intelligence: a training manual. Moscow: MADI, 2013. 84 p.

Varlamov O.O. Theoretical basis of mivar technologies for creation of a logical artificial intellect: a training manual. Moscow: MADI, 2013. 80 p.

Ostroukh A. V., Belousova A.I., Krasnyansky M.N., Varlamov O. O. Formation of multi-level model of multi-agent system using mivar // Prospects of science. 2011. No 5(20). pp. 57 - 61.

Ostroukh A.V., Krasnyansky M.N., Davydova T.L., Varlamov O. O. Analysis of possibilities of using mivar technology in systems of artificial intellect and modern robotics // Transactions TSTU. 2011. Vol.17. No 3. pp. 687-694.

Ostroukh A.V., Sandu R.A., Varlamov O. O. Mivar automated control systems of technological processes for oil industry of Russia // Automation, telemechanization and communication in the oil industry. 2011. No 11. pp. 37-41.

Ostroukh A.V. Bases of construction of artificial intelligence systems for industrial and construction enterprises. Moscow: «TechPoligraphCenter», 2008. 280 p. ISBN 978-5-94385-033-2.

Ostroukh A.V. Information technology in scientific and industrial activity / [Ed. A.V. Ostroukh]. Moscow: «TechPoligraphCenter», 2011. 240 p. ISBN 978-5-94385-056-1.


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