Magny Ao, Kseniya Georgievna Zolotareva


Эта статья посвящена положению в системе китайский университет в международной системе высшего образования и науки в 21-м веке. В докладе затрагиваются некоторых субъектах достижений китайской системе высшего образования и его текущих проблем. Он также охватывает международное сотрудничество китайских университетов и ее целей.

Ключевые слова

Китай; высшее образование; образование; развития; социальная сфера; доступности образования; образование в Китае


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S. Semenova. Education in China: Past and Present // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. 2012. No 5. pp. 127-130.

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Zhu Syaoman. The reform of the content of education in China // Pedagogy. 2004. No 1. pp. 67-74.

Sha Anven, Zhang Jinhua, Zou Hanf. The difference between the level of education between different regions of China. Study of Higher Education, 2009. 33 p.

Shvedova I.A. Internationalization of Higher Education in China // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. History. 2013. No 1. pp. 132-138.

D. Astakhov, A.V. Budikhin, A.V. Ostroukh Distance training as the basic form of the educational process // Information and Telecommunication Technologies in Intelligent Systems: Proceeding of Third International Conference. June 02 - 09, 2005, Santa Ponsa/Mallorca, Spain. pp. 169-173.

Prikhodko W., Melezinek A., Skitskiy Yu., Petrova L., Arutyunova G., Ostroukh A. Development of new multimedia course on engineering pedagogic // Joining Forces in Engineering Education Towards Excellence Proceedings, SEFI and IGIP Joint Annual Conference 2007. July 1-4, 2007, Miskolc, Hungary, pp. 85-86.

Barinov K.A., Chudina O.V., Ostroukh A.V., Petrova L.G. Methodical approach to the development of innovative multimedia teaching complex on material science // Joining Forces in Engineering Education Towards Excellence Proceedings, SEFI and IGIP Joint Annual Conference 2007. July 1-4, 2007, Miskolc, Hungary, pp. 127-128.

Barinov K.A., Ostroukh A.V. Application of the module-competentive approach in the development of the electronic educational resources for E-learning system of professional education institution // Engeneering competencies – tradition and innovation. Proceedings of the 37th International IGIP Symposium, September 7-10, 2008, Moscow, Russia. – pp. 253-254. – ISBN 978-5-7962-0093-3.

Petrova L.G., Shkitskiy Y.P., Ostroukh A.V. Application of multimedia resources for technical teachers training // Engeneering competencies – tradition and innovation. Proceedings of the 37th International IGIP Symposium, September 7-10, 2008, Moscow, Russia. – pp. 117-118. – ISBN 978-5-7962-0093-3.

Krasnynskiy M., Nikolaev A., Ostroukh A. Application of virtual simulators for training students in the field of chemical engineering and professional improvement of petrochemical enterprises personnel. International Journal of Advanced Studies. 2012. Vol. 2. No 3. pp. 4. DOI: 10.12731/2227-930X-2012-3-4.

Barinov K., Krasnynskiy M., Malamut A., Ostroukh A. Algorithm of Virtual Training Complex Designing for Personnel Retraining on Petrochemical Enterprise. International Journal of Advanced Studies. 2012. Vol. 2. No 3. pp. 6. DOI: 10.12731/2227-930X-2012-3-6.

Ostroukh A.V., Nikolaev A.B. Development of virtual laboratory experiments in iLABS environment. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. 2013. No 2; URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24313 (Access date 20.11.2014).

Ostroukh A.V., Nikolaev A.B. Development of virtual laboratory experiments in iLabs. International Journal of Online Engineering (IJOE). 2013. Vol. 9, No 6. pp. 41-44. DOI: 10.3991/ijoe.v9i6.3176.

Ostroukh A.V., Barinov K.A., Nikolaev A.B., Stroganov V.Yu. Interactive Game Modeling Concept for Personnel Training at the Industrial Enterprises // World Applied Sciences Journal (WASJ). 2013. Vol. 28, No 1. pp. 44-55. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.28.01.1876.

Ostroukh A.V., Barinov K.A., Surkova N.E. Computer game modeling organizational structures of enterprises and industrial associations. Research Inventy: International Journal Of Engineering And Science. 2013. Vol.3, Issue 12. pp. 20-29. ANED: 07.4721/0312020029.

Ostroukh A.V., Barinov K.A., Nikolaev A.B., Stroganov V.Yu. Formal methods for the synthesis of the organizational structure of the management through the personnel recruitment at the industrial enterprises // Journal of Applied Sciences (JAS). 2014. Vol. 14, No 5. pp. 474-481. DOI: 10.3923/jas.2014.474.481.

Ostroukh A.V., Barinov K.A., Surkova N.E. Formulation of business games for training and retraining of industrial enterprises // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 75-78.

Ostroukh A.V., Barinov K.A., Surkova N.E. Computer scenarios of business games for personnel training at industrial enterprises // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 79-83.

Ostroukh A.V., Pomazanov A.V. Development of information storage and retrieval system on nanomaterials and nanotechnology // International Journal of Advanced Studies (iJAS). 2013. Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 24-30. DOI: 10.12731/2227-930X-2013-3-5.

Ostroukh A.V., Barinov K.A., Surkova N.E. Development of computer scenarios of buisiness games for personnel training at industrial enterprises // Asian Journal of Applied Sciences (AJAPS). 2014. Vol. 7, No 5. pp. 306-316. DOI: 10.3923/ajaps.2014.306.316.

Ostroukh A.V., Barinov K.A., Surkova N.E. Computer scenarios of business games for personnel training at industrial enterprises // International Journal of Advanced Studies (iJAS). 2014. Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 15-21. DOI: 10.12731/2227-930X-2014-1-3.

Ostroukh A.V., Surkova N.E., Krasnyanskiy M.N. Development of Laboratory Courses for Specialized Remote Access Laboratory in iLab // Journal of Applied Sciences (JAS). 2014. Vol. 14, No 19. pp. 2350-2358. DOI: 10.3923/jas.2014.2350-2358.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Krasnyanskiy, Andrey Vladimirovich Ostroukh, Sergey Viktorovich Karpushkin, Denis Leonidovich Dedov and Artyom Dmitrievich Obukhov. Design of Simulators for Automated Information Systems of Engineers’ Training // Journal of Applied Sciences. 2014. Vol. 14. No 21. pp. 2674-2684. DOI: 10.3923/jas.2014.2674.2684.

Andrey Ostroukh, Veronika Blinova, Tatiana Skvortsova, Viacheslav Nikonov, Irina Ivanova, Tatiana Morozova. Enhancement of Testing Process in Learning Management System Moodle // Asian Journal of Applied Sciences (AJAPS). 2014. Vol 7. No 7. pp. 568-580. DOI: 10.3923/ajaps.2014.568.580.

Andrey Vladimirovich Ostroukh, Kirill Aleksandrovich Barinov, Andrey Borisovich Nikolaev, Victor Yurievich Stroganov. Formalized Description of a Business Game Scenario Aimed at Assessment of the Qualifying Characteristics of Personnel // Research Journal of Applied Sciences. 2014. Vol. 9. No 7. pp. 436-442. DOI: 10.3923/rjasci.2014.436.442.

A.V. OSTROUKH, A.B. NIKOLAEV, N.E. SURKOVA, M.N. KRASNYANSKIY. DEVELOPMENT OF LABORATORY WORK FOR REMOTE ACCESS LABORATORY // 14th SGEM GeoConference on Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, www.sgem.org, SGEM2014 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-10-0 / ISSN 1314-2704, June 19-25, 2014, Vol. 1, 119-126 pp. DOI:10.5593/SGEM2014/B21/S7.016.


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