Investigation of Russian and Foreign Experience in the Sphere of Government Support for Small and Medium Business

Ekaterine Albertovna Mosina


In article experiment of the developed countries on regulation and support of small and average business (MSP) that will allow to plan measures of improvement of functioning of business in theRussian Federationis analyzed.

Theoretical and methodological basis of research are works of foreign and domestic economists on the mentioned circle of questions, materials of scientific and practical conferences on the studied question in theRussian Federation.

Information base of research is presented by data in documents legislative and executive bodies, and also the economic facts published in monographs and periodic literature.

Results of research can be used by the organizations at making decisions on realization of expansion of quantity and scales of functioning of MSP in various areas of economy.

Ключевые слова

small and average business (MSP); business; state support; financial support; multi-channel system; federal program; management of financial streams

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