State Management for Effective Use of Budget Funds
Research subject is represented by the theoretical and practical issues of efficiency of budgetary expenditures in the state regulation system.
Research aim is to analyse the efficiency of budgetary expenditures in the state regulation system.
Research methods. The work is prepared on the basis of several scientific methods and approaches including systemic, structural, comparative, factorial methods to achieve conceptual integrity of the research.
Research results. The author proved that the effective usage of budgetary funds is highly important for any socially oriented state; specified the determinant role of methods of the state finance management in the increase of efficiency of budgetary expenditures; analysed instruments of efficiency of budgetary expenditures; substantiated that program and target method provides distribution of budgetary resources on purposes, assignments and functions of the state taking into account the priorities of financial policy; generalized the experience of developed countries which showed that transparency and openness of budgetary process are the basic principles of efficient usage of budgetary funds; determined indicators for the assessment of efficiency of budgetary expenditures in the countries with the developed and transformation economy; developed approaches to increase efficiency of budgetary expenditures.
Sphere of application of the research results. State, regional and community budgets. Formation of the state, regional and community budgets in the state regulation system.
Conclusions. The author revealed several essential methodological problems, including the absence of distinctly structured system of setting targets for the development of the state in the long-term perspective, insufficient regulation of procedures for the assessment of effectiveness of obtained financing and formalization of the system of assessment indicators; absence of personal responsibility for taking inefficient managerial decisions, as well as the absence of mechanisms of effective control and influence of the community on the budgetary process.
Use of budgetary legislation is inefficient and implementation of program and target method and organization of state procurement are problematic.
To increase efficiency of budgetary expenditures it is important to increase the influence of the state on the process of implementing state target programs taking into account the monitoring results, on the basis of which analysis and assessment will be closely connected with the reporting system of the main administrators of budgetary funds regarding performance of tasks and achievement of aims.
State procurement shall be transparent and based on the monitoring system.
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Полный текст:
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