Vladimir Victorovich Gryzunov, Inna Vasilyevna Gryzunova, Danil Sergeevich Pekarchuk


In the modern industrial society people live under the internal risks which induce various critical situations. For keeping reliability of his activity and personal safety a person is forced to take quick determinations. This article presents research of coping strategies by examinee students. It allows to project this behavior on real industrial process and educe elements of working society, which make persons either solve problems or search for social support or avoid problem. And researching of students behavior leads to analysis of employee relations in produced process, which lead to analysis of work and people in total. If we don’t follow the rules of employee relations and person behavior it leads to breakdown with deadly injured.

Ключевые слова

coping strategy; behavior pattern; solving problems; searching for social support; problem avoidance; uneasiness; heart rate; arterial tension

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