Yurii Barskyi, Vadym Polishchuk


The article is devoted to theoretical aspects of ensuring macroeconomic stability of Ukraine from the position of sustainable development. The theoretical framework of macroeconomic stability is examined. The reasons for economic instability in modern conditions are clarified. The state of the main macroeconomic indicators and their growth prospects is determined. Macroeconomic stability is ensured by existing mechanisms of self-regulation and control in the various subsystems of the economic sector: manufacturing, investment, scientific and technological, economic, financial. Financial stability is characterized by functioning of the optimal parameters of the budgetary, monetary and credit, currency, debt, banking system and financial markets,improper functioning of which reduces the stability of the national economy to domestic and external shocks and can turn potential risks to the real threats.

Financial support policies to support sustainable development of the region is a purposeful process, which is aimed at attraction, distribution and redistribution of funding for stimulating activities for the purpose of achieving social, economic and environmental goals of the region. The primary goal is to achieve sustainable development of the region in compliance with all the signs of stability.

Tax incentives for sustainable development of the region are significantly influenced by: finance of commercial enterprises of all forms of ownership operating in the region, the finance of social institutions operating in the region. The finances of public organizations and charity funds operating in the region, as well as the finances of households of the region; consolidated regional budget funds and state trust funds operating in the region.

Ключевые слова

financial security; macroeconomic stability; sustainable development; tax incentives

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