Andrey Vladimirovich Ostroukh, Igor Vadimovich Nedoseko, Yashar Elshan-ogly Nuruev


This paper proposes an approach to the design of dispatching control system of the concrete batching plant, which is a set of hardware maintenance, information, mathematical and software for control of technological objects. The proposed system is scalable and can include a control subsystem of mobile concrete plant, laboratory, subsystems, access control, and personnel management jobs. The system provides optimum automating the collection and processing of information for generating control signals and transmitting them without loss and distortion to the actuators in order to achieve the most efficient operation of process control object as a whole.

Ключевые слова

concrete; mobile concrete batching plant; dispatch control system; automated workstation; control; technological process; automated dispatch control system (ADCS)

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Ostroukh A.V., Tian Yu. Modern methods and approaches to building management systems of production and technological activities of industrial enterprises // Automation and Control in Technical Systems. 2013. No 1. pp. 29-31.

Ostroukh A.V., Tian Yu. Development of the information and analytical monitoring system of technological processes of the automobile industry enterprise // In the World of Scientific Discoveries, Series B. 2014. Vol. 2. No 1. pp. 92-102.

Wai Ph.A., Myo L.A., Ostroukh A.V., Ismoilov M.I. Review of development automation manufacturing of dry construction mixtures // In the World of Scientific Discoveries. 2012. No 12 (36). pp. 12-19.

Ostroukh A.V., Nedoseko I.V., Pudovkin A.N., Nuruev Y.E. Development of the Automated Control System for Concrete Plant with Two Units Concrete Mixing // International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2015. Vol. 10. No 17. pp. 37792-37798.

Wai Ph.A., Ostroukh A.V. Automated control system of technological process of manufacture of dry construction mixtures // Automation and Control in Technical Systems. 2013. No 2. pp. 76-82.

Ostroukh A.V., Wai Ph.A. Optimization of process parameters mixing dry construction mixtures in the horizontal drum mixer continuous simulation method // Automation and Control in Technical Systems. 2014. No 2 (10). pp. 21-28. DOI: 10.12731/2306-1561-2014-2-3.

Ostroukh A.V., Wai Ph.A., Myo L.A., Surkova N.E. Simulation modeling of a non-homogeneous mixture in a horizontal drum mixer // In the World of Scientific Discoveries. 2014. No 12.2 (60). pp. 766-778.

Ostroukh A.V., Optimization of parameters dry construction mixtures in the horizontal drum mixer // International Journal of Advanced Studies (iJAS). 2014. Vol. 4. No 2. pp. 38-44. DOI: 10.12731/2227-930X-2014-2-2.

Wai Ph.A., Ostroukh A.V. Development of simulation model mixed system in the AnyLogic software // International Journal of Advanced Studies (iJAS). 2014. Vol. 4. No 4. pp. 48-53. DOI: 10.12731/2227-930X-2014-4-2.

Kabir M.R., Ismoilov M.I., Ostroukh A.V. Automated Control Systems Concrete Plant // Automation and Control in Technical Systems. 2014. No 3 (11). C. 178-190. DOI: 10.12731/2306-1561-2014-3-17.

Kabir M.R., Ismoilov M.I., Ostroukh A.V. System Approach to the Design Process ACS Concrete Mixing // Automation and Control in Technical Systems. 2014. No 3 (11). C. 191-200. DOI: 10.12731/2306-1561-2014-3-18.

Ostroukh A.V., Aysarina A. A. Development of Automated Control Systems for Concrete Mixing Plants Based Twin-Shaft Mixer // Automation and Control in Technical Systems. 2015. No 1. C. 51-59. DOI: 10.12731/2306-1561-2015-1-7.

Bashmakov I.A., Polgun M.B., Jha P., Ostroukh A.V. Review of transportation technologies concrete mixtures road // Automation and Control in Technical Systems. 2013. No 4.2. pp. 178-189. DOI: 10.12731/2306-1561-2013-4-38.

Bashmakov I.A., Polgun M.B., Ostroukh A.V. Parameter optimization vehicle maintenance consumers concrete mixtures // Automation and Control in Technical Systems. 2013. No 4.2. pp. 189-198. DOI: 10.12731/2306-1561-2013-4-39.

Salniy A.G., Kukharenko V.N., Nikolaev A.B., Ostroukh A.V. General principles of SCADA-systems // Automation and Control in Technical Systems. 2013. No 2. pp. 8-12.


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