Dmitry Alekseevich Chuvikov, Konstantin Vladimirovich Nazarov


The paper considers the process of designing algorithms for solving physics problems on the basis of mivar approach. The work also describes general principles of mivar theory. The concepts of parameter, relation and class in mivar space are considered. There are descriptions of properties which every object in Wi!Mi model should have. An experiment in testing capabilities of the Wi!Mi software has been carried out, thus the model has been designed which solves physics problems from year 8 school course in Russia. To conduct the experiment a new version of Wi!Mi 2.1 software has been used. The physics model deals with the following areas: thermal phenomena, electric and electromagnetic phenomena, optical phenomena.

Ключевые слова

algorithm calculation; mivar; Wi!Mi 2.1; «physics» subject domain; expert system; mivar networks; mivar-based approach

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