The article focuses on studying concepts by means of the gestalt analysis that contributes to distinguishing implicit features of the concept. Research works in the field of ancient (so-called ‘dead’) languages are unlikely to be carried out in terms of a complete conceptual analysis, as, for instance, it is impossible to perform an associative experiment. Thus, the gestalt analysis is of paramount importance in defining the structure of such concepts.
Purpose. To apply the gestalt analysis to studying Old English cultural concepts as it might provide profound understanding of the way the Anglo-Saxons perceived complex phenomena.
Methodology and research methods. To carry out the research, the gestalt analysis was used as the main method for the purposes of the study. In addition, the textual analysis as well as the contrastive one were used.
The results of the study. Upon carrying out the research, the author identified a number of implicit features that form the inner structure of the concept under study.
Practical implications. The results of the work can be used in History of English, Cognitive Linguistics, Linguistic and Cultural Studies, as well as other academic courses that include teaching the interrelation between language and culture.
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Полный текст:

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