Nadezhda Lisova, Sergey Shilov, Tatyana Muller


Background: To investigate the features of activation processes and vegetative status of the female students in a situation of emotional stress and after a course of biofeedback game.

Materials and methods: The research was involved 22 students aged between 18 to 21 years. Registration of physiological parameters was carried out with the informed consent of the participants. Were used methods of omegametry, variation cardiointervalography, biofeedback game on heart rate.

Results: In the situation of emotional stress 50% of students were discovered a suboptimal level of activation of the frontal cortex, manifested as excessive expression or the reduction of total indicators of DC-potential. From the side of the autonomic system were increased sympathetic influences on cardiac function compared to baseline values, the structure of heart rate revealed the predominance of central regulation contour. Expressed tension of regulatory mechanisms was noted in 82% of subjects. After a course of 10 sessions of biofeedback in all students were observed normalization of activation effects on the cerebral cortex and autonomic regulation of heart rate.

Conclusion: The individual characteristics of activation and autonomic regulation of heart rate are important indicators of the functionality and success of adaptation in a situation of emotional stress.

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