Larissa Buduk-ool, Ayana Hovalyg


Background. The purpose of the research is to study the stress-resistance indicators among Tuvan State University students (males and females).

Materials and methods. There were 236 first-year students of Tuvan State University with the average age about 19.4±0.1 years old who participated in the research. The indices of stress and morphofunctional state, the rate of biological aging, as well as adaptation and adaptive capabilities of the organism were determined. The evaluation of reactive (RA) and personal (PA) anxiety was carried out according to the questionnaire of Ch.D. Spilberger in Yu. L. Hanin’s modification [10] using "NS-Psychotest" of "Neurosoft" firm.

Results.  A high level of reactive anxiety (RA) was detected among 1.3 % of the females (males did not have such results), and as for the personal anxiety (PA) 45% of females expressed it and only 19.5% of males did (p≤0.05). More than 50 % of females are characterized by the reduced level of functional state, 7.0% of females and 13.6% of males (p≤0.05) have the rate of biological aging above the age norm, 2.3% of females have the state of uncompensated distress, among males there are none. The high price of adaptation, which is associated with a busy period of life, as well as with the energy increase is observed among 9.1% of males and 7.0% of females.

Conclusion. The studies of stress-resistance indicators made it possible to identify a higher RA and PA, stress in combination with low adaptive capabilities of the organism and morphofunctional state among the females, but they have less biological aging of the organism. Having high rates of morphofunctional state, low anxiety and stress, characteristic of the state of eustress with an optimal level of response to stressors, male students have higher adaptive capabilities of the organism.


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