Maria Evsina, Evgeniya Polyanskaya, Elena Vishneva


The aim of study. To assess the influence of subclinical nephropathy on the quality of  life of patients with mellitus  diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Materials and methods. 86 patients with mellitus diabetes and cardiovascular diseases were examined. Patients were examined two times at intervals of 12 months. Two groups of patients were formed: group 1 - patients with newly diagnosed kidney damage markers (n = 28); group 2 - without markers of kidney damage (n = 58). To assess the quality of life, a Russified version of the EQ-5D questionnaire was used. The statistical analysis of the results was carried out by using the computer program Statistica for Windows 6.0 (StatSoft Inc., USA).

Results. The compared groups haven’t differed in quality of life signs at the moment of inclusion. Patients assigned to group 1 had the higher score in the Visual analogical scale than patients assigned to group 2.

After 12 months, the group 1 hasn’t showed scores’ changes on the visual analogue scale, negative deviation of quality of  life’s components  was found out; in group 2, the quality of life improved statistically significantly, assessed by patients on a visual analogue scale. In group 1, a large part of people who had reduced indicators characterized the physical components of the quality of life was identified. These components were mobility, self-care, daily activities, pain or discomfort. Significant deterioration of the psychosocial components in the presence of  renal dysfunction’s  signs was not observed.

On the contrary, in group 2, the quality of life has improved in terms of physical and psycho-emotional components. So although the absence of a specific clinic in patients with signs of nephropathy, its negative impact on the quality of life’s components was detected.

The conclusion. The appearance of kidney dysfunction signs in patients with mellitus diabetes and cardiovascular diseases is associated with a decline in the quality of life. The health questionnaire can be used to assess the condition’s dynamics of patients with mellitus diabetes and cardiovascular diseases and also to evaluate the quality of treatment and to identify potential signs of organ damage. The findings emphasize the importance of kidney dysfunction’s development prevention, correction of risk factors and the progression of nephropathy.


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