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Strategiya razvitiya rynka venchurnyh i pryamyh investicij v Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda i dal’nejshuyu perspektivu do 2030 goda [Strategy for the development of the venture and direct investment market in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 and the future until 2030]. https://www.rvc.ru/upload/iblock/4ea/RVC_strategy_2018_doc.pdf (request date: 25.08.2019).
Yacevich O.I Etimologiya ponyatiya «DIZAJN»: korrelyaty DESIGN / DASEIN [Yatsevich O. And the etymology of the notion of “DESIGN”: correlates DESIGN / DASEIN]. Obshchestvo: filosofiya, istoriya, kul’tura. 2015. № 6.
Startap barometr 2018. Issledovanie rynka tekhnologicheskogo predprinimatel’stva v Rossii [Startup barometer 2018. Market research of technological entrepreneurship in Russia.]. https://media.rbcdn.ru/media/reports/Startup_Barometer_2018.pdf (request date: 25.08.2019).
Alejandro González, Instructional Design and Learning Experience Design. https://medium.com/@alejandroglezf/instructional-design-and-learning-experience-design-5625d91686ca (request date: 25.08.2019).
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Wolfgang Ernst Eder. Education is what survives. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279960238_EDUCATION_IS_WHAT_SURVIVES_--_DISCUSS (request date: 25.08.2019).
“YA sama - moda”: Koko SHanel’ o krasote, muzhchinah i odinochestve» [“I am fashion”: Coco Chanel on beauty, men and loneliness»]. https://ria.ru/20130819/838673468.html (request date: 25.08.2019).
Dorm Room Fund. http://dormroomfund.com/ (request date: 25.08.2019).
Wolverine Venture Fund. http://wolverineventurefund.com/ (request date: 25.08.2019).
Zell Lurie Commercialization Fund. http://www.zli.bus.umich.edu/wvf/zlcf_fund.asp (request date: 25.08.2019).
Social Venture Fund. http://www.umsocialventure.com/ (request date: 25.08.2019).
University venture fund. http://www.uventurefund.com/ (request date: 25.08.2019).
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12731/2658-4034-2019-9-12-21
ISSN 2658-4034