Nazir Thseen


During evolution, humans evolved with many potential skills, which made them unique than other living beings on the planet. One of the biggest achievements during this evolutionary process was the development of language and the capacity of communication. With the capacity of language, humans are able to share their thought with each other, following a proper medium, and channel in order to do so. This face-to-face communication between two or more individuals follows a specific medium and involves a specific structure, which influences the quality and understanding of a message. In the modern world, we have enhanced all aspects of the communication channel in order to decrease any mental distance among people. Technology has brought about many gadgets into existence, which are very effective in decreasing the physical distance in communication. These gadgets turned out to be very effective and served their purpose well. However, they started having a profound impact on our overall quality of communication and in turn affected our relations, as well as our selves. Nowadays one of the strongest intruding gadgets in our day-to-day life is the smartphone. The use of smartphone during social gatherings, especially during one-to-one communication, has completely changed the way we view our social interactions. This current paper will try to understand face-to-face communication within the context of Phubbing and examine the profound impact of Phubbing on transmission and receiving of messages.

Ключевые слова

Face-to-Face communication; Phubbing; Non-Verbal Communication

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12731/2658-4034-2020-2-22-31

ISSN 2658-4034

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