M. A. Sirivlya, N. R. Geyko


The purpose of the study was to examine the suggestive features of speech of political leader of Kazakhstan. Topicality of the research theme is stipulated by the deve-lopment of political manipulation in modern mass discourse. Novelty of the study consists in identification of the specific features of application of suggestive technologies in the Address speech of President of Kazakhstan. Descriptive and analytical method, and its parts (observation, interpretation, classification) are used in the research of suggestibility of political texts of Kazakhstan. The manipulative technologies reflected in the Address of the President N. Nazarbayev to the nation, January 17, 2014 are considered in the article. The study showed that the peculiarities of political discourse suggestion of Kazakhstan are characterized by the following features: base upon a situation of (active, passive, resistance) perception of information by recipients, figurative representation of the described phenomenon through metaphorical transfer. The most effective manifestations of suggestive technologies in the Address of the President N. Nazarbayev to the nation are the following: the mass movement inclusion, prolegomenous information and metaphorical word usage.

Ключевые слова



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12731/wsd-2014-11.10-4015-4030


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(c) 2016 В мире научных открытий

ISSN 2658-6649 (print)

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