Влияние древнеанглийских омонимов на развитие словарного состава английского языка
Ключевые слова
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Krasikova T.I. Some conformities of realization mechanisms of homonymy’s historical dynamics in lexical system of the English language. Developing a student`s personality of foreign languages teaching in the system of multilevel training specialists in non-linguistic institution of higher education Vienna, 2015. С. 179-189.
Krasikova T.I. The influence of homonymy in English on the developing of its vocabulary. Developing a student`s personality of foreign languages teaching in the system of multilevel training specialists in non-linguistic institution of higher education Vienna, 2015. С. 190-192.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12731/wsd-2015-7.8-2942-2954
- На текущий момент ссылки отсутствуют.
(c) 2016 В мире научных открытий
ISSN 2658-6649 (print)
ISSN 2658-6657 (online)