Andrey Borisovich Nikolaev, Min Khaing Myo, Myo Thwin Aung, Ko Ko Moe, Lin Aung Myo


The article considers the issues of traffic management using intelligent system “Car-Road” (IVHS), which consist of interacting intelligent vehicles (IV) and intelligent roadside controllers. Vehicles are organized in convoy with small distances between them. All vehicles are assumed to be fully automated (throttle control, braking, steering). Proposed approaches for determining speed limits for traffic cars on the motorway using a model predictive control (MPC). The article proposes an approach to dynamic speed limit to minimize the downtime of vehicles in traffic.

Ключевые слова

intelligent transport system; intelligent car; simulation; traffic safety; model MPC; control in IVHS; speed limit

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(c) 2017 Andrey Borisovich Nikolaev, Min Khaing Myo, Myo Thwin Aung, Ko Ko Moe, Lin Aung Myo

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