T. Ponomareva, Yu. Dobryakov


The effects of EA (extract of marine hydrobiont tunicate) on hemopoietic processes under bone marrow hypoplasia were investigated.  Model of myelosupression induced by injection CBA mice an alkylating drug  cyclophosphane (CF 200 mg/kg). EA was administrated into stomach 30 mg/kg daily, since 0 day and up to the end of experiment (10 day). CF caused the myeloid cells depression, there was shown, that bone marrow cells damage by the cytostatic agent was significantly higher in granulocytic population on 3 day. The count of cells in bone marrow increased on 5 day, but the intact index restoration didn’t registration until 10 day. The application of EA in mice after cyclophosphane action was promoted the increase of cells level in bone marrow faster than in CF control group. The quantity of bone marrow cells increased on 5 day and restored the initial level to 7 day under EA action, most of them were granulocytic neutrophils.  The loss of hemopoietic cells under the cyclophoshpane action is result of short-liver mature cells reduction. The regeneration of hemopoiesis was ensured at the expense of the hemopoietic cells, which have stayed in intact state. The application of EA initiated the proliferative processes in bone marrow more early, then in CF group, and restored disturbance functions of hemopoiesis. There was shown, that hemopoiesis recovery activated by EA is manifested by the granulocyte lineage hyperplasia in bone marrow, rapid restoration of the polymorphonuclear leukocyte and monocyte count in blood. The effect of EA on the bone marrow was related to accelerate of proliferation and differentiation of the hemopoietic precursor cells and may be associated with hemopoietic microenvironment cells activation too.


Ключевые слова

tunicate extract; hemopoietic cells; myelosupression

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