Yu. Vinnik, E. Serova, A. Leyman, R. Andreev, Yu. Kotlovskiy, O. Kovaleva


Having examined 214 patients with cholelithiasis, acute calculous cholecystitis and postcholecystectomy syndrome, it was established that cholecystokinin level test let us judge about severity of the biliary tract functional disorder. Cholecystokinin concentration under 0.5 ngr/ml, after cholecystectomy, testifies about Oddy sphincter disorder of inorganic type, if there is no organic pathology in the hepatopancreaticoduodenal zone. If cholecystokinin level decreases on the 9 day of the postoperative period more than in 2 times, Oddy sphincter dysfunction of a functional nature increases up to 22.6%, which demands selective anticonvulsive drug prescription. 


Ключевые слова

cholelithiasis; postcholecystectomy syndrome; Oddy sphincter dysfunction of inorganic type; cholecystokinin

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