E. B. Gokzhaeva, M. A. Ponomareva


The article examines the state of most objects of housing and communal sector, which is characterized by serious physical and moral depreciation. In the article the author suggests the ways of attracting private capital in the housing and communal services, on the basis of the analysis of the of European States` experience. The experience of the European countries with respect to the distribution of responsibility in the construction and operation of infrastructure has been systematized .The author  proposed to link the growth of infrastructure sectors with projected in the medium term the growth of indicators of socio-economic development of the region, which are defined by strategic goals, simultaneously  planning the interventions on the development of the housing sector in the short term. One of the promising tools of financing infra-structural projects are, in our view, infrastructural bonds, which can be used in the utility industry, but only in the framework of concession agreements at the level of Russian Federation subjects. The study showed the features of quasinfrastructural bonds  the process of their creation in the Russian Federation.

Ключевые слова

housing and utilities; public-private partnership; concessions infrastructure in the region


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12731/2070-7568-2014-5-2


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ISSN 2070-7568 (Print)