M. G. Sergeeva


Based on the known principles of continuous education, the author defines the economic competence principle based on requirements of market economy for competitive specialist training. The concepts "competence" and "professional competence" are the basis for determination of economic competence of the graduate of professional educational institution. While identifying the essence of economic competence the author proceeds from the categories "activity", "professional activity", "economic activity" and "work". In the given article realization of the reasonable economic competence principle establishes a ratio between knowledge as information and knowledge as activity while training of practice-focused specialists for market economy. The author suggests a theoretical approach for development of continuous economic education which can be extended to other kinds of activity of the specialist and is applied to different aspects and forms of continuous education; the arguments enriching modern didactics of continuous education regarding justification of the principle of economic competence, the contents establishing interrelation and technologies of continuous economic education both proving need and obligation for training of the practice-focused specialists for market economy are stated; prospects of application of theoretical development in the field of development of continuous economic education, in studying of methodology of adaptation and socialization of graduates in quickly changing social and economic conditions and modernization of system of an assessment of quality of economic education are defined.

Ключевые слова

principles of economic training and economic education; activity; professional activity; economic activity; work; principle of economic competence


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