Daria Samoylova, Julia Barylnik


Background: To conduct a comparative analysis of indicators of life quality and social functioning in patients with schizophrenia according to the received treatment.

Materials and methods: The study involved 105 patients with paranoid schizophrenia between 18 and 55 years, who were randomly assigned to 3 groups. The first group included 35 patients treated with sertindole (average therapeutic dose of 18,0 cu chlorpromazine equivalents), the second – 35 patients treated with zuclopenthixol (4,0 arbitrary units), and a third – 35 patients treated with clozapine (2,0 contingent units). The rehabilitation included individual therapy compliance. All patients signed informed consent to participate in the study.

The study included the use of outpatient and inpatient patient cards and a questionnaire for the assessment of life quality and social functioning of the psychic patients.

Statistical data processing was carried out using the software package «Statistica 6.0».

Results: Summarizing the results, we can conclude a significance of the subjective assessment of the life quality in the responses of patients with schizophrenia to questions during a questionnaire for determining the level of life quality and social functioning.

In the study of the variability of indicators of life quality and social functioning of patients with schizophrenia, depending on the treatment, all parameters throughout the course of therapy were higher in the group of patients treated with sertindole.

Conclusion: Thus, sertindole is the drug of choice for long-term outpatient treatment of patients with schizophrenia, particularly in combination with compliance – therapy.

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