Lidia Borisovna Kuzina


Предлагается на основе междисциплинарного анализа современных научных исследований анализ сведений о гипермикроэлементозе (превышение содержания меди, цинка и кобальта) у растений, животных и человека. Приводится перечень симптомов, возможные меры профилактики и первой доврачебной помощи.

Ключевые слова

микроэлементы; медь; цинк; кобальт; симптомы отравления; жизнеугрожающие состояния; профилактика отравлений; здоровье человека; здоровье животных; питание и микроэлементы; токсикология


Alimzhanov B.O. Effektivnost’ podkormki doynykh korov mikroelementami na kul’turnykh pastbishchakh Podmoskov’ya [Effectiveness of feeding milk cows with microelements on cultural pastures of the Moscow region]. Autoref ... Cand. agriculture Sciences. M., 1977. 20 p.

Babadzhanov D. Issledovanie soderzhaniya nekotorykh mikroelementov (yod, marganets, kobal’t, med’, tsink) v ob”ektakh vneshney sredy, produktakh pitaniya i v organizme bol’nykh endemicheskim zobom v Khorezmskoy oblasti [Study of the content of certain trace elements (iodine, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc) in environmental objects, food products and in patients with endemic goiter in the Khorezm region]. Autoref ... Cand. medical Sciences. Tashkent, 1971. 24 p.

Vorobiev V.I. Pishchevaya ekologiya [Food Ecology] / Federal Agency for Education, Astrakhan State University. un-t. Astrakhan: Astrakhan University, 2007. 102 p.

Gaysin I.A. Nauchnye osnovy regulirovaniya krugovorota mikro-, makroelementov v intensivnom zemledelii lesostepnoy zony Povolzh’ya [Scientific principles of regulation of the circulation of micro-, macroelements in intensive agriculture of the forest-steppe zone of the Volga region]. Autoref ... Dr. agriculture Sciences. M., 1989. 48 p.

Dabakhov M.V., Dabahova E.V., Titova V.I. Tyazhelye metally: Ekotoksikologiya i problemy normirovaniya [Heavy metals: Ecotoxicology and the problems of rationing]. N. Novgorod, 2005. 164 p.

Dubovoy R.M. Algoritm otsenki elementnogo statusa i povyshenie funktsional’nykh rezervov u rabotnikov promyshlennykh predpriyatiy s primeneniem mikroelementov [Algorithm for assessing the elemental status and increasing the functional reserves of industrial enterprises with the use of trace elements]. Diss ... Cand. medical Sciences. M., 2004. 115 p.

Ermolenko G.V. Osobennosti funktsionirovaniya vedushchikh adaptatsionnykh sistem i psikhofiziologicheskiy status podrostkov, prozhivayushchikh v usloviyakh khimicheskogo zagryazneniya okruzhayushchey sredy [Features of the functioning of the leading adaptation systems and the psychophysiological status of adolescents living in conditions of chemical pollution of the environment]. Autoref ... Cand. biol. Science. M., 2007. 20 p.

Zayko A.A. Sostoyanie makro- i mikroelementnogo statusa u detey, chasto boleyushchikh nespetsificheskimi infektsionno-vospalitel’nymi zabolevaniyami respiratornogo trakta [State of macro and micronutrient status in children who often suffer from nonspecific infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract]. Diss ... Cand. medical Sciences. Vladivostok, 2003. 143 p.

Kondrakhin I.P. Diagnostika i terapiya vnutrennikh bolezney zhivotnykh [Diagnostics and therapy of internal animal diseases]. M.: Aquarium, 2005. 830 p.

Lysenko N.N., Dogadina M.A. Osnovy ekotoksikologii [Basics of ecotoxicology] / Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Oryol State Agrarian University. Oryol, 2015. 460 p.

Metodika opredeleniya svintsa, medi, tsinka i kobal’ta v piritnykh ogarkakh [Method for determination of lead, copper, zinc and cobalt in pyrite cinders / Institute of Fertilizers and insectofungicides]. Moscow: Laboratory of Science and Technology, 1960. 22 p.

Osmanov A.P.-ogly. Izuchenie vzaimosvyazi soderzhaniya nekotorykh mikroelementov (margantsa, kobal’ta, medi i tsinka) v pochve, vode, produktakh pitaniya i v krovi bol’nykh endemicheskim zobom v Kubinskom rayone Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR [Study of the relationship between the content of certain trace elements (manganese, cobalt, copper and zinc) in soil, water, food and blood in patients with endemic goiter in the Cuban region of the Azerbaijan SSR]. Autoref ... Cand. medical Sciences. Baku, 1989. 22 p.

Panchenko L.F., Maev I.V., Gurevich K.G. Klinicheskaya biokhimiya mikroelementov [Clinical biochemistry of microelements]. Moscow, 2004. 363 p.

Polyanskaya E.S. Mikroelementy (bor, marganets, med’, kobal’t, tsink) v pochvakh tsentral’noy nechernozemnoy zony i vliyanie na ikh soderzhanie dlitel’nogo primeneniya azotnykh udobreniy [Microelements (boron, manganese, copper, cobalt, zinc) in the soils of the central non-chernozem zone and the effect on their maintenance of long-term application of nitrogen fertilizers]. Autoref ... Cand. agriculture Sciences. Moscow, 1986. 22 p.

Rinkis G. Ya. Problema vzaimosvyazi makro- i mikroelementov v pitanii rastenii v zavisimosti ot svoystv pochvy [The problem of the relationship between macro and microelements in plant nutrition, depending on soil properties]. Autoref ... Dr. agriculture Sciences. Kaunas, 1973. 42 p.

Salnikova E.V., Kudryavtseva E.A., Lebedev S.V., Skalnaya M.G. Toksikologicheskaya khimiya [Toxicological chemistry] [Electronic resource]. Orenburg: Orenburg State University, 2012. 228 p.

Samokhvalov R.I. Rol’ medi, tsinka i selena syvorotki krovi pri nesegmentarnoy vegetativnoy disfunktsii [Role of copper, zinc and selenium serum in non-segmental autonomic dysfunction]. Diss ... Cand. medical Sciences. M., 2007. 138 p.

Skalny A.V. Mikroelementy: Bodrost’, zdorov’e, dolgoletie [Microelements: Cheerfulness, health, longevity]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2010. 286 p.

Smolyar V.I. Gipo- i gipermikroelementozy [Hypo- and hyper-microelementoses]. Kiev: Health, 1989. 147 p.

Soldatov V.I. Vliyanie mikroelementov (zheleza, medi, margantsa, tsinka i kobal’ta) na nekotorye fiziologicheskie i biokhimicheskie pokazateli u sviney [Influence of microelements (iron, copper, manganese, zinc and cobalt) on some physiological and biochemical indicators in pigs]. Autoref ... Cand. biol. Sciences. Omsk, 1967. 23 p.

Soroka N.V. Soderzhanie zheleza, medi, kobal’ta i tsinka v pishchevykh produktakh i dieticheskikh ratsionakh lechebnykh uchrezhdeniy Ivano-Frankovskoy oblasti [The content of iron, copper, cobalt and zinc in food products and dietary diets of medical institutions in the Ivano-Frankivsk region]. Autoref ... Cand. medical Sciences. Ivano-Frankivsk, 1968. 22 p.

Udris G.A. Rol’ soley mikroelementov kobal’ta, margantsa, tsinka, medi i yoda v pitanii korov [The role of salts of microelements of cobalt, manganese, zinc, copper and iodine in the feeding of cows]. Autoref ... Cand. biol. Science. Riga, 1958. 20 p.

Chuykov V.A. Vliyanie mineral’nykh udobreniy i izvesti na soderzhanie mikroelementov v pastbishchnykh travakh v usloviyakh lesolugovoy zony [Influence of mineral fertilizers and lime on the content of trace elements in pasture grasses in the conditions of the forest zone]. Autoref ... Cand. agriculture Sciences. M., 1973. 30 p.

Effektivnost’ primeneniya mikroudobreniy i regulyatorov rosta pri vozdelyvanii sel’skokhozyaystvennykh kul’tur [Efficiency of application of microfertilizers and growth regulators in the cultivation of agricultural crops] / I.R. Wildflush et al.; Department of Agrarian Sciences, Belarusian State University. Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2011. 292 p.


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