
Article is dedicated to the analysis of psycho-pedagogical conditions that arise in the process of learning a foreign language through the use of technology of pedagogical cooperation, allowing a beneficial effect on the mental health of students. The author proves her point of view theoretically and experimentally that such a pattern of behavior contributes to a teacher at the student’s personality more, social and psychological incentives for teaching in educational support team a psychological atmosphere in which it is possible to get opportunities to meet a very important socio-psychological needs of people: recognition, respect and attention from others, authority, etc. Purpose - to determine methodological principles for successful realization of technology of pedagogical cooperation in the frame of conflict-talk communication and cooperation, total understanding. Methodology - studying and analysis of psycholinguistic, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the theme of investigation, questionnaire and testing of students. Results analysis of psycho-pedagogical conditions that are necessary for using technology of pedagogical cooperation which leads to the elimination of unnecessary conflict and aggression among students. Practical implications. It is possible for us to use the results in courses of theory of methodology of teaching foreign languages in the process of teaching them foreign languages.

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ISSN 2658-6649 (print)

ISSN 2658-6657 (online)

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