A. N. Kharchenko


A purpose of the article is to define a sense of a concept of “retail banking crediting” on the basis of determination of the peculiarities of crediting in the market of retail banking services. 

Methods. The methods of synthesis, induction, deduction, and analogy are used in the process of research. 

Results. Approaches of scholars regarding the peculiarities of provision of retail banking services are systematized. Types of consumers of the retail services are considered. The author determined that individuals and legal entities of the small and medium business are among such consumers. Together with other peculiarities of the retail banking crediting the author emphasized the peculiarities such as a mass character of provision, the standardization of a credit product, a monetary form, an inconsiderable amount of credit, the voluntary explanation of a purpose of crediting, and the development of distribution channels. Taking into account the mentioned above, the author proposed the own definition of the sense of the concept of “retail banking crediting”.     

An area of result application. The results of research may be applied in the activity of banks in the process of organization and improvement of the retail banking crediting.

Ключевые слова

retail crediting; retail banking service market; standardization of credit products; distribution channels


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